Prof. Tu won "Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress" of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation

    On February 17, The 2021 and 2022 Award Ceremony of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation was held in Beijing. The Science and Technology Awards of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation in 2021 and 2022 were awarded to 112 outstanding scientific and technological scholars. Prof. Tu from School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University won "Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress" of this Foundation in 2022 due to his excellent contributions to the field of organic synthesis.

    Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation is a public welfare science and technology award fund, which was established in 1994 with the joint donation of Hong Kong patriotic financial industrialists, Ho SinHang, Leung KauKui, Ho Tim, and Lee Quowei. Its purpose is to promote the development of science and technology in China and reward scientific and technological scholars who have made outstanding achievements or major innovations. Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation has set up "Prize for Scientific and Technological Achievement", "Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress" and "Prize for Scientific and Technological Innovation". And generally only one winner is selected from each discipline each year. Over the last 29 years, a total of 1526 outstanding scientific and technological scholars have been selected and rewarded, which has become a successful example of creating scientific and technological awards through China's social forces.

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