Prof. Tu has been awarded "the Chinese Chemical Society Asymmetric Chemistry Award"

"Chinese Chemical Society Asymmetric Chemistry of China 2021 (2022) Symposium" co-hosted by Chinese Chemical Society, Innovative Drug Research and Development Center, and School of Pharmacy of Sun Yat-sen University was held on 26-28, August, 2022 in Guangzhou, during which time Prof. Tu from School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University was awarded "the Asymmetric Chemistry Award".


Prof. Tu has long been devoted to the study of tandem rearrangement reactions and their application in total synthesis. In recent years, Prof. Tu opens a new research direction, which involves the design and synthesis of SPD (spirocyclic pyrrolidine) organocatalysts and SPDO ligands and their applications in catalytic asymmetric reaction development and total synthesis of bioactive natural products. These novel catalysts developed by Prof. Tu enable the establishment of catalytic enantioselective reactions for the efficient construction of quaternary carbon stereogenic centers and C-C bonds, providing new strategies in the synthesis of chiral drugs and natural products. Hitherto, nearly 30 efficient asymmetric total synthesis of natural products and drug molecules have been accomplished. These original and systematic studies have aroused world-wide recognition and received universal concern in the research field of asymmetric chemistry.

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